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The Celtic Pugs Guardian program is our newest addition. Currently, we have two dogs in our program and it is working out very well.

The basic criteria for the program is you must live within 30 miles of Johnstown PA, have application approval, and a possible house check. Also, you cannot have an unattended male inThe Celtic Pugs Guardian Program your residence where he may have access to your female. 

The program is simple. You take home a Pug from our list of available dogs. You pay NO FEE for your adoption. You take care of the vet care for everything except for any vet care needed during pregnancy and delivery.

This gives people the opportunity to own a Pug but not have the upfront costs. Also, you are welcome to view the labor and delivery of the puppies being born from your female and will receive discounts on a puppy if you choose to keep one from the litter.

This program allows our dogs to receive more attention and love and to have the joys of being "special." It takes a little effort on both our parts but we feel its rewarding to both Celtic Pugs and the new guardians, but most importantly to the Pug. If you are interested in the program feel free to email us or fill out a pet application.

Our available dog is Onora. For more information on all our pugs, please visit Our Pug Lads & Lassies

Celtic Knots & Crosses